It wasn’t pouring rain, it was attacking rain. These weren’t the nice little droplets that leave behind puddles and rainbows; no, these were relentless, angry, accelerated little bullets of water determined to make it impossible to see through the windshield and make our seven hour drive miserable. We got started later than planned and drove through the enemy rain for most of the trip. On multiple occasions, I was pretty sure we were going to succumb to the slippery conditions and bad drivers ending up in a heap of twisted metal and bloody carnage. But we didn’t. After a hellish journey under the relentless rain we arrived safely in
It seemed like a long shot. Me, doing anything related to youth ministry? After all, I’ve spent the last five years getting a Bachelor’s degree in New Testament Theology! Surely I’m destined for a more glorious future than ordering pizza and planning games. When my friend Kyle called me a few months ago about the possibility of working with him in youth ministry after graduation the idea seemed silly. The only reason I considered it was because Kyle called me. As the process went further along I was sure that I wasn’t what the church was looking for. Then, they continued to pursue the possibility because they couldn’t find what they were looking for, or they didn’t know what they were looking for. I still felt uneasy about the idea but it just kept coming up. Everyone I talked to raved about how healthy of a church it is. Eventually, they invited us for a visit and we accepted their hospitality. It was a joy to hear firsthand how God is working in
I have been forced to ask myself, “Will I refuse to listen to God’s call because I’m not a youth ministry major?” No, this is the voice of God even if it sounds like illinoise.
I’m listening.
Freakin'... Awesome...
Glad to hear it.
Though, I do wish you guys were going to Emmanuel with me.
But I am sure that our paths will cross many times in the future.
I will see both you and your wife when I head back to Joplin for graduation. We should have a reunion poker night for old times sake.
peace be upon you brother.
I absolutely agree with stephen.
What Church? I live in Champaign
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